Thursday, April 8, 2010

Group Photo!

I didn't know so many awesome people could fit into one picture.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

How to Get Some Photos

To all SOAR participants:
I have already started to upload photos onto Flickr. You can access my Flickr account by clicking on the "Flickr" link underneath "Points of Interest" or underneath my Flickr photostream (both can be found on this blog!). The uploading process has only begun so make sure you check the account every couple days to see more photos. If you like a certain photo, you can shoot me an email with the image number and I can email you back with a higher quality file size. My email address is I'm also working on the slideshow a little more so be on the lookout for that.
I will also be uploading some photos onto facebook. If you have an account, you can add me as a friend! You can find me under my full name: Sarah Jean Rhoads.
Thank you for making my job so fun and for always letting me stick my camera in your face.

Team Agon

Mark Thompson took these photos of the Sports Camp team. They loved on a couple kids and played volleyball, basketball, soccer, and dodgeball with them at Reto Church. The team also helped out by painting a church wall.

Day 7: San Jose

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Day 6: Amigos con Gozo

And even more photos! These are from the Amigos con Gozo team. They painted a church today. Buenos noches!

Day 5: Campo Real

And some photos from the Speak Out! team...